R.E.N.T. is a unique network of real estate firms and professionals, created to emphasize multidisciplinary teamwork. Real estate networking and transactions members represent distinguished career profiles and distinctive areas of expertise. Through the dynamics of a closely-knit real estate network, members work together to serve common clients, share best-practices, and deliver an exceptional level of coordinated professional knowledge and experience.
R.E.N.T. is an organization of member firms engaged in diverse real estate disciplines. Each firm is represented by an owner/partner or professional-level key employee. The organization’s primary purpose is to promote referrals among member firms and professionals in delivering superior service to clients. Its secondary purpose is to educate prospective clients and the public on the value of multi-disciplinary teamwork in real estate.
R.E.N.T. is led by a Board of Directors elected by its members. It is solely supported by member dues and does not seek outside financing or contributions. Qualified real estate professionals may apply for membership, subject to Board approval and under terms of the By-Laws.
R.E.N.T. represents experienced New York Metro area real estate firms and professionals in a variety of disciplines.
R.E.N.T. is a unique network of real estate firms and professionals created to emphasize multi-disciplinary teamwork.
R.E.N.T. represents experienced New York Metro area real estate firms and professionals in various disciplines.
See R.E.N.T.’s expertise in each discipline.